Monday, May 27, 2019

How do you govern?

How do you  govern?
Let’s start with a name…. Bosnia and Herzegovina.   One would think two countries joined together..  Wrong!  Two geographical areas maybe, but it is the name of one country.  Ok. Now that we have that settled, let’s move a bit deeper.  It is kind of two countries, but not what you think.   Bosnia and Herzegovina are one country, and the Republic of Srpska is sort of another country within the borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to mess things up a bit more there is an autonomous region called Brcko which is governed by both “Bosnia and Herzegovina” and Republic of Srpska.  Each entity has their own constitution, but are ruled by one common government. Got that?
Now as far as government goes, it gets real messy.   Bosnia and Herzegovina are mostly Bosniaks and Croats.  Republic of Srpska is mostly muslim Serbians.  When the fighting was finished after the breakup of Yugoslavia,  the western nations and UN established the government for the region under the Dayton Accord.  This accord decided that there would be three presidents to the country, one for each ethnic group.  Each president would hold office for 8 months and then pass it on to one of the other presidents who holds it for 8 months.  The presidency revolves around between the three presidents for the duration of their 4 year term.    The Serbs in Srpska elect one president. The Serbs can only vote for the Serb president.  The Bosniaks and Croats elect a Bosnian president and a Croat president.  But each Bosniak and each Croat  get to vote for both a Bosniak and a Croat president.   So now we have 3 presidents serving on a rotation of 8 months every two years.  These three presidents together nominate and elect a prime minister who in turn appoints the executive of the government from the house of representatives.  Just to throw one more item into the mix, the president can be over ruled by a foreigner appointed by the western powers to keep an eye on things.  Also,  any two of the sitting presidents can overrule the current President. Now do we actually think that a president holding office for only 8 months every two years, answering to a foreign bureaucrat, and answering to the other two non current presidents, and to the prime minister and executive government can actually accomplish anything?  It sure sounds like a recipe for deadlocked government on every issue…..

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